Sujata Das
Sujata Das
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09-09-2022 10:00-23:00
ICO Member Society: Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associtions
Eye Banking and Tissue Access
Heather Machin
Impact of Covid-19 on corneal tissue access and surgical waitlists - the Brazil surgeon experience, and strategies to address
Bruno Trindade (Brazil)
Building and sustaining access to corneal tissue services
Erik Hiller
Three decades journey of Eye Banking at LVPEI
Sujata Das
Accelerating access to research tissue: the evolution of ocular biobanking practice
Gregory Grossman
(United States)
Up-dates from the Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associations
Heather Machin
DMEK Graft Preparation Techniques
Jessica Lie
Topic: Cornea, External Eye Diseases, and Eye Banking