Erin Stahl
Erin Stahl
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11-09-2022 21:00-22:00
Track 4
Invited Session
Pediatric Corneal Disease
Ramappa Muralidhar (India)
Erin Stahl
(United States)
Mycoplasma Induced Rash and Mucositis (MIRM) vs SJS
Parth Shah
Selective Endothelial removal
Jodhbir Mehta
Infectious Keratitis in Children
Merle Fernandes
Blepharokeratoconjunctivitis in children
Hong Zhang
(People's Republic of China)
Corneal Neurotization
Asim Ali
New grading system and therapy for limbal dermoid
Jin Yuan (People's Republic of China)
Topic: Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus