Prediction of Insufficient Vault After Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation Using iris Morphology Libei Zhao (People's Republic of China)
Appropriate Laser Ablation Limit of SMILE and Risk Factors for Posterior Corneal Protrusion Over a Follow-up Period of 5 Years Huazheng Cao (People's Republic of China)
Hemidivisional Vector Planning to Reduce and Regularize Irregular Astigmatism by Laser Treatment Noel Alpins (Australia)
Correlation between decentration after SMILE and index of corneal anterior surface morphology before surgery for high myopia TBA
1.Refractive and visual outcomes of SMILE with intraoperative angle kappa adjustment for myopia correction. TBA
Visual outcomes of SMILE for myopic astigmatism ≥ -3.00 D using a triple marking method and manual cyclotorsion compensation Sahiti Salguti (India)