Harvey Uy
Harvey Uy
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09-09-2022 10:00-23:00
ICO Member Society: Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology
Ocular Tuberculosis: In Focus
Mary Ellen Sy
Vicente Victor Ocampo Jr.
Tuberculosis of the Orbit and Eyelid
Mary Rose Pe-Yan (Philippines)
External Disease and Cornea Manifestations of Tuberculosis
Ruben Lim Bon Siong
Challenges in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculous Uveitis
Ellen Yu-Keh
The Great Pretender: Retinal Manifestations of Tuberculosis
Harvey Uy
Catch-22: The Neuro-ophthalmologic Manifestations of Tuberculosis and the Toxic Effects of Anti-Tuberculous Therapy
Karen Reyes
Ophthalmologic Features and Pathology of Tuberculosis
Alex Sua
Topic: Interdisciplinary