John Hart
John Hart
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11-09-2022 17:15-18:15
Track 5
Invited Session
Controversies in Refractive Surgery
John Hart
(United States)
George Beiko
Refractive lens exchange is safe- pro
Darren Albert
Refractive lens exchange is safe- con
Arturo Chayet
Phacoemulsification is the safest means of lens extraction- pro
Steven Dewey
(United States)
Phacoemulsification is the safest means of lens extraction- con
Arvind Morya
Multifocal Lenses are the Best Means of Attaining Spectacle Independence with Cataract surgery- pro
Hungwon Tchach
(South Korea)
Multifocal Lenses are the Best Means of Attaining Spectacle Independence with Cataract surgery- con
John Hart
(United States)
Topic: Refractive Surgery