Tanuj Dada

This user account status is Approved

09-09-2022 19:45-20:45 Track 2

ICO Member Society: World Glaucoma Association

Hot Topics in Glaucoma

Chair(s): Tanuj Dada (India); Shan Lin (United States); Anja Tuulonen (Finland);

Topic: Glaucoma

10-09-2022 12:15-13:15 Track 2

Invited Session

Lessons from big glaucoma studies

Chair(s): Fabian Lerner (Argentina); Tanuj Dada (India);

Topic: Glaucoma

10-09-2022 17:15-18:15 Track 1

Invited Session

Surgical Treatment of glaucoma: Current and future

Chair(s): Tanuj Dada (India); Tarek Shaarawy (Switzerland);

Topic: Glaucoma