Mazen Sinjab
Mazen Sinjab
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10-09-2022 14:45-15:45
Track 5
Invited Session
Corneal Imaging
Paolo Vinciguerra
Renato Ambrosio
Optical Coherence Elastography: the future of biomechanical measurements
Emilio Torres Netto
Paradigms and Paradoxes related to Corneal Ectasia
Renato Ambrosio
Intraoperative OCT Guided DALK
Namrata Sharma (India)
AS-OCT in the Monitoring of Amniotic Membrane Transplantation
Abdeljalil Moutaouakil
Top Tips Corneal Imaging for Cataract Surgeons
Mazen Sinjab
(United Arab Emirates)
Combined ASOCT with Placido Imaging
Jorge Alio del Barrio
How to Discriminate Refractive Surgery Decentration vs Pseudo-decentration
Paolo Vinciguerra
Keratoconus Detection using the "Anterion" high resolution OCT
Damien Gatinel
The History of in Vivo Layered Corneal Thickness Mapping and its applications
Dan Reinstein
(United Kingdom)
Topic: Cornea, External Eye Diseases, and Eye Banking