Selma Al-Hazzaa
Selma Al-Hazzaa
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09-09-2022 12:15-13:15
Track 3
ICO Member Society: Global Eye Genetics Consortium
Advancing global research in ocular genetic under pandemic
Takeshi Iwata
Introduction of GEGC
Takeshi Iwata
Collaborative opportunities through GEGC in the Asia Pacific region
Calvin Pang
(Hong Kong, China)
From Diagnosis to Treatment: Ocular Gene Therapy in the Real World
Selma A. F. Al-Hazzaa
(Saudi Arabia)
Inherited Eye Diseases In Africa: A Scoping Review And Strategy For An African Longitudinal Eye Study
Bawa Yusuf Mohamma
IRDs in Argentina, what we are doing now
Laura Echandi
NEI & research on vision in North America – Opportunities for collaboration
Gyan Prakash
(United States)
Topic: Vision Sciences