Eva Drucka
Eva Drucka
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09-09-2022 10:00-23:00
ICO Member Society: Association of Ophthalmologists of Latvia
Association of Ophthalmologists of Latvia session
Juris Vanags
Kristine Baumane
Severe ocular trauma characteristics 2 years before COVID-19 pandemic and during the pandemic in Riga Stradins university hospital
Juris Vanags
Penetrating keratoplasty challenging cases.
Ä’riks Elksnis
Lessons learned about Primary Congenital Glaucoma in the Latvian population.
Eva Drucka
DEMEK- results in Latvia
Ilze Šveiduka
The use of ExPress shunt in glaucoma management.
Kristine Baumane
Different approaches to the treatment of dislocated IOLs.
Līga Radecka
Topic: Glaucoma