Becky Agbaje
Becky Agbaje
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10-09-2022 21:00-22:00
Track 3
ICO Member Society: International Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (IJCAHPO)
Successful Models for Training the Eye Care Team to Build Human Capacity and Improve Patient Care
James Tsai
(United States)
Introduction: Maximizing Ophthalmologist Productivity with Education of the Eye Care Team
James Tsai
(United States)
Best Practices in AOP Education and Assessments in India
Prashant Garg
Best Practices in AOP Education and Assessments in Nigeria
Becky Agbaje
Best Practices in AOP Education and Assessments in Singapore
Thiyagarajan Jayabaskar (Singapore)
Best Practices in AOP Education and Assessments in Canada and the United States
Michael Stewart
Best Practices in Allied Ophthalmic Personnel Educational Resources
Craig Simms
(United States)
Topic: Ophthalmic Education/Young Ophthalmologists